Health and Medical Information
Posted on 09/06/2024
Ms. Mariotti, R.N., C.S.N.

Greetings Parent(s)/Guardian(s):


Please check the nurses link Lewis F. Cole Middle School’s website for forms needed throughout the school year.


Please note, the paperwork required for the student-athletes has changed. The Medical Eligibility Form will now be the form required for student participation in sports. The New Jersey Sports Physical Form has changed as well, please print and bring that form with you to your child's exam. 


Please remember, we do require that your healthcare provider fills out the Universal Health Record at the yearly physical exam. It is essential we receive an updated physical and immunization record yearly in order to update your child’s health record.  


In order to provide optimum care for children with medical conditions, it is essential that we receive all medical forms and supplies for your child’s medical condition on the first day of school. Please ask your health care provider to complete the forms for the upcoming school year, 2024-2025, this will assist the nurse and trained school staff in providing the best care for your child. All necessary forms are available at this link, Parent/Guardian input is important and we encourage you to discuss care plans with your healthcare provider. It is required that your child’s health care provider sign, stamp, and date the plan. A parent’s signature is also required in the designated areas. Please return all forms to the nurse on the first day of school. Failure to provide the required medical forms and medications required will result in your child not being cleared to participate in school-sponsored activities. The School Year 2024-25 medical forms can be brought to the nurse with medications or sent via email to:  [email protected].



Thank you for your cooperation and looking forward to another great year at Lewis F. Cole Middle School!


Mrs. Mariotti RN BSN CSN

Lewis F. Cole Middle School



Reminder: All medication submitted to the school nurse must be picked up on the last school day for students, we will dispose of any medication not picked up before school ends.